Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Join Our Choir

We have a superb and dedicated choir. However, it has been increasingly difficult to plan ahead due to our relatively small group and our busy schedules. Therefore, this is a special invitation and an exhortation to join our choir.

We meet for rehearsals every Tuesday at the Jesuit Monastery on Sea Road, Galway at 8.00pm. We are just starting to learn new music for Easter so now is a perfect time to join. We meet for just an hour.

No experience is needed, and so long as you enjoy singing. Edward Lloyd, the choir's Musical Director, will teach you about music and find the best section suited to your voice.

Make new friends! Joining the choir is a great way to meet people.

Make magic! Singing in four part harmony feels like magic. You can feel it right down to your toes!
Just contact Edward Lloyd, our Musical Director - he's easy going and friendly! He is inviting all interested voices as potential singers to contact him on tel. no.091 - 523029

Don't let lack of experience deter you: give us a chance to prove that you aren't tone-deaf after all! You don't have to read music or have any previous musical experience to sing with us.

That doesn’t mean we set ourselves low standards as a choir in performance. What we do expect from our members is a commitment to supporting the choir, and to achieving the highest standards we can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Michelle, sang in choirs from elementary through High School, graduated in 1981.

Now interested to join a choir, perform and meet new people.

I am a first soprano.

Please contact me with information.

I live in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles) County.

Thank you.
